


A. Cashew Kernels ­ White Wholes

Grade Designation Trade Name Colour/Characteristics Count/454 gmssizedescription Max. Moisture% Broken Max% NLSGNL Gmax%
W­180 White Wholes White/pale ivory/light ash. Characteristic shape 170­-180 5 5 5(NLSG & SW together)
W­210 do do 200­-210 5 5 do
W­240 do do 220-­240 5 5 do
W­320 do do 300­-320 5 5 do
W­450 do do 400-­450 5 5 do
W­500 do do 450-­500 5 5 5(SW)

Remarks: Kernels shall be completely free from infestation, insect damage, mould rancidity, adhering testa and objectionable extraneous matter. Scraped and partially shrivelled kernels also permitted provided such scraping/shrivelling does not affect the characteristic shape of the kernel.

B. Cashew Kernels Scorched Wholes

Grade Designation Trade Name Colour/Characteristics Count/454 gmssizedescription Max. Moisture% Broken Max% NLSGNL Gmax%
SW Scorched Wholes Kernels may be scorched/slightly darkened due to over­heating while roasting or drying in drier/borma N.A 5 5 7.5 (SSW)
SW­180 do do 170-­180 5 5 7.5 (NLSG & SSW together)
SW­210 do do 200-­210 5 5 do
SW­240 do do 220-­240 5 5 do
SW­320 do do 300-­320 5 5 do
SW­450 do do 400-­450 5 5 do
SW­500 do do 450­-500 5 5 5(SW)

Remarks: Kernels shall be completely free from infestation, insect damage, mould rancidity, adhering testa and objectionable extraneous matter. Scraped and partially shrivelled kernels also permitted provided such scraping/shrivelling does not affect the characteristic shape of the kernel.

Remarks: Kernels shall be completely free from infestation, insect damage, mould rancidity, adhering testa and objectionable extraneous matter. Scraped and partially shrivelled kernels also permitted provided such scraping/shrivelling does not affect the characteristic shape of the kernel.

C. Cashew Kernels ­ Desert Wholes

Grade Designation Trade Name Colour/Characteristics Count/454 gmssizedescription Max. Moisture% Broken Max% NLSGNL Gmax%
SSW Scorched Wholes Seconds Kernels may be over- scorched, immature, shriveled (Pirival) speckled (Karaniram) discoloured and light blue. N.A 5 5 7.5 (DW)
DW Dessert Wholes Kernels may be deep scorched, deep brown, Deep blue, speckled, dis- coloured and black spotted N.A 5 5  

Remarks: Kernels shall be completely free from infestation, insect damage, mould rancidity, adhering testa and objectionable extraneous matter.

D. Cashew Kernels White Pieces

Grade Designation Trade Name Colour/Characteristics Count/454 gmssizedescription Max. Moisture% Broken Max% NLSGNL Gmax%
B Butts White/pale ivory or light ash. Kernels broken cross-wise (evenly or unevenly) naturally attached N.A 5 5 5 (SB)
S Splits White/pale ivory or light ash. Kernels Split naturally lengthwise N.A 5 5 5 (SS)
LWP Large White Pieces > White/pale ivory or light ash Kernels broken into more than two pieces and not passing through 4 mesh 16 SWG sieve/4.75mm. I.S.Sieve 5 Nil 5
(SW & SP together)
SWP Small White Pieces White/pale ivory or light ash Broken Kernels smaller than those described on LWP but not passing through 6 mesh 20 SWG Sieve/2.80 mm I.S. Sieve

5 Nil < 5
(BB & SSP together)
BB Baby Bits do Plemules and broken Kernels smaller than those described as SWP but not Passing through a 10 mesh 24 SWG Sieve/1.70mm I..S. Sieve 5 Nil 1% (cashew powder)

Remarks: Kernels shall be completely free from infestation, insect damage, mould rancidity, adhering testa and objectionable extraneous matter. Scraped and partially shrivelled kernels also permitted provided such scraping/shrivelling does not affect the characteristic shape of the kernel.

E. Cashew Kernels -Scorched Pieces

Grade Designation Trade Name Colour/Characteristics Count/454 gmssizedescription Max. Moisture% Broken Max% NLSGNL Gmax%
SB Scorched Butts Kernels broken crosswise (evenly or unevenly) and naturally attached. Kernels may be scorched/slightly darkened due to over heating while roasting or drying in the drier/borma N.A 5 5 7.5 (DB)
SS Scorched Splits Kernels split naturally lengthwise. Kernels may be scorched/slightly darkened due to over-heating while Roasting or drying in drier/borma N.A 5 5 7.5 (DS)
SP Scorched Pieces Kernels may be scorched/slightly darkened due to over-heating while roasting or drying in drier/borma Pieces passing through a mesh 16 SWG sieve/4.75 mm I.S. Sieve 5 Nil 7.5 (SSP & SPS
SSP Scorched Small Pieces Kernels may be scorched/slightly darkened due to over-heating while roasting or drying in drier/borma Pieces smaller than SP but not passing through a 6mesh 20 SWG Sieve/2.80 mm I.S. Sieve 5 Nil 5 (DSP)

Remarks: Kernels shall be completely free from infestation, insect damage, mould rancidity, adhering testa and objectionable extraneous matter. Scraped and partially shrivelled kernels also permitted provided such scraping/shrivelling does not affect the characteristic shape of the kernel.


Tolerances for Defects and Damage in Raw Cashew Kernels

The following tolerances establish the maximum limits for damage and defects in raw cashew kernels. To determine compliance with these tolerances, one should follow the Sampling Plan found in Appendix I, and use established analytical procedures. Tolerances for a lower grade include the kernels defined by the lower grade but not the defects that are specific to the lower grade. Percentages are determined by weight.

  First Quality Second Quality Scorched Third Quality Special Scorched Dessert
Serious Damage Insect Damage 0.5% 1.0% 1.0% 1.0%
Mold rancidity, decay, adhering matter 0.5% 1.0% 1.0% 1.0%
Foreign Matter 1. 0.01% 0.01% 0.01% 0.01%
Maximum Serious Damage 1.0% 2.0% 2.0% 2.0%
Defects Second Quality Scorched 5.0% B B B
Third Quality Special Scorched/ 1.5% 5.0% B B
Lightly Blemished Pieces 1.5% 5.0% (*20% Light Brown Speckled)
Lightly Blemished Wholes 1.5% 5.0% (*40% Light Brown Speckled)
Blemished Wholes 0.5% 2.5% (*60% Brown Speckled)
Dessert 0.5% 2.5% 7.5% B2.
Superficial Damage (scrapes) 1.0% 2.0% 2.0% B
Adhering Testa/Seriously Damaged3. 3.0% / 1.5% 3.0% / 1.5% 3.0% / 1.5% 3.0% / 1.5%
Black Speckled Kernels       0.05%
Maximum Defect Level 8.0% 11.0% 14.0%   (*Maximum speckled for LBW and BW)

1. The tolerance for foreign matter is in addition to the tolerance for maximum serious damage.

2. Dessert quality is the lowest grade but the defects cannot be so severe that the product is not merchantable. A delivery is acceptable provided it is equal or better than the approved pre-shipment sample. Two sealed pre-shipment samples are to be sent to the buyer for approval, one of which shall remain sealed for possible use in settling a dispute on quality at arbitration.

3. Maximum of 3% by weight for testa greater than 2mm in aggregate, but not more than 1.5% seriously damaged by adhering testa.

Tolerances for Defects and Damages in Small Pieces

  SP1-SSP1 G1 SP2-SSP2 G2 SP3-SSP3 G3
Serious Damage Insect Damage 0.5% 1.0% 1.0%
Mold, rancidity, decay 0.5% 1.0% 1.0%
Foreign Matter 1. 0.01% 0.01% 0.01%
Maximum Serious Damage 1.0% 2.0% 2.0%
Defects Second Quality Scorched/ Color Variation 5.0% B B
Third Quality Special Scorched/ Color Variation 2.0% 5.0% B
Fourth Quality 0.5% 1.0% B
Dessert 0.5% 2.5% 10.0%
Superficial Damage (scrapes) B B B
Adhering Testa 3.0% 3.0% 5.0%
Maximum Defect Level  10.0% 10.0% 12.0%
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